Monday, April 5, 2010


This horoscope is somewhat not true about myself. It is true that I am a calm and very mellow person. However, my life is not near close to well-balanced. I am very well-mannered and get along with most people. It is definitely false that 2010 is a good income year for me. I am currently jobless and looking. Hopefully during the summer, I will find a full time job. As for my love life, it is not sour at all. My relationship with my boyfriend is lovely and drama-free. We care a lot about each other and our relationship is growing. As for my family, my parents and I aren't doing well but I'm still close as always with my sisters. As far as education goes, I'm doing okay. "The Libra 2010 yearly horoscope is very favorable to Librans in the domain of health. Fine health is written all over for all Librans while they relax at their time to enjoy the goodness of life." This is a true statement because my immune system is weak and I'm usually sick all year round but somehow I haven't been sick at all.